The Teams

Battered and Bruised


Andrew Lupien

Shelby Hall

Ellen Weaver'

Kayle Beal

Amy Harvey

Jake Deslandes

Lauren Dobrynski

Michael Krieger

Graham Hamley

Zachary Hamilton

Evan Kalman

Raghda Salman

Daniel Calles

John Madeira

Felicia Bryant

Elsie Widing

Casey Larsen

Nick Deschambault

Kelsea Tyran

Kasie Craig

Meaghan Krohn

Alexa Duffy

Jacob Laplante

Georgia Bolduc

Meg Kilmurry

Rocco Deschambault

Ila Hughes

Go Ruck Yourself


Paige Titus

Valerie Cook

Nikki Smith

Katie Wilgoos

Brady Vanidestine

Jacob Bazinet

Chelsea Douglass

Ronan Rice

Ashley Eagan

Amy Douglass

John Hensley

Candace Reeve

Liam Brine

Jordan Lorenz

Julia Rhinelander

Rory Queenan

Nick Beal

Dalis Bragdon

Jed Alexander

Brittany Gleixner-Hayat

Juan Sanchez

Mao Ye

James Lavine

Get Rucked


Kelsey Hackett

Eric Deschambault

Becky Deschambault

Keena Mills

Kelby Doyle

Nicole King

Nicole Blessing

Audrey Bergeron

Tom McOscar

Samantha Frank

Brittany Finnie

Matthew Novicki

Garrett Ryan

Sam Burns

Jake Viola

Rachel Tigges

Emily Jones

Nate McCraven

Myles Maxson

Julia Macauley

Barbra Martin

Peter Martin

Morgan Starkweather

Katie Marie

Daniel Morrissette

Lefty Minas

Minh Hoang

Derek Anderson

Emily Menichelli

Robert Dennison

Marion Knox

Joshua Murphy



All for time: 

5 rounds of:     
    10 thrusters, weight 1
    10 chest-to-bar pull-ups 

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of: 
    7 thrusters, weight 2
    7 bar muscle-ups 

Time cap: 15 minutes

♀ 65, 95 lb (29, 43 kg)
♂ 95, 135 lb (43, 61 kg)


All for time: 

5 rounds of: 
    10 thrusters, weight 1
    10 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups 

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of: 
    7 thrusters, weight 2
    7 chin-over-bar pull-ups

Time cap: 15 minutes

♀ 45 lb, 65 lb (20, 29 kg)
♂ 65 lb, 95 lb (29, 43 kg)


All for time:

 5 rounds of: 
    10 thrusters with a stick, weight 1
    10 bent-over rows, weight 2

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of: 
    7 thrusters, weight 2
    7 push-ups 

Time cap: 15 minutes

♀ stick (weight 1), 35 lb/15 kg (weight 2)*
♂ stick (weight 1), 45 lb/20 kg (weight 2)*

*The load is a suggested starting point. If you are completing all the tests in the Foundations division, you are free to decrease or increase the load as your skill level allows.

  1. Sign up for a heat in ZenPlanner! Once the workout is announced on Thursday I will add heat times to ZenPlanner. Please know that your heat time is THE START TIME FOR YOUR WORKOUT. Please arrive 15 minutes before your heat starts to warm up.

  2. Help us with judging! The role of the judge is to count reps and ensure movement standards are met. View 24.1’s movement standards by clicking the buttons below and/or viewing the video. Ask someone on your team to judge you then you can judge them! You do not need to take the judges course nor do you need to be a coach to judge your teammates!!

  3. Print off your score sheet. If you can print off your own score sheet and bring it in with you that would be a huge help. You can view your score sheet by clicking the button below your division’s workout. You only need to print off the actual score sheet, not the movement standard pages.





8:00AM - 10:30AM

The Intramural Open is a three week event where participants are split into three teams and earn points based on participation and coordination.

You can earn points for your team in four ways.

1 point: Complete the Open workout before the deadline (Monday at 8pm).

1 point: Complete the Open workout during the Saturday Event

3 points: Submit your scores to Zach before Monday at 8pm (must be officially signed up for the Open at

10 points: Win your weekly challenge.

Workouts are announced each Thursday at 2pmEST. Click this link to see what this week’s workout is, or keep scrolling.

Heats are announced Friday morning. Check this webpage for the most accurate information on the leaderboard, heats and workouts.

Work with your team to help each other with Judging. ANYONE can be a judge. The best way for us to approach this is have someone judge your workout then you judge theirs. Your job as a Judge is to count the competitors reps and ensure that movements standards are met. Movement standards will be posted on this website every Thursday after 2pm.





    • When you sign up for a heat that is your workout start time. Come at least 15 minutes early to warm up. We will have score sheets at the desk, make sure you grab one and fill it out to give to your judge when your heat starts.


    • Check the workout link and know what movements you will be expected to do based on your division and age group, and understand what the movement standards are to ensure your reps count. Zach will cover these movement standards before each heat so make sure you are on time and are able to listen to what is expected of you. The best thing you can do is be deliberate with your movement and leave no doubt that your reps count. Don’t put your judge in the situation where they have to no-rep you.


    • I know this one is a little cringy but its probably the most important tip on this list. The Open is supposed to be a time where the CrossFit community comes together to have fun and celebrate our shared love for fitness. Comparision is truly the thief of joy. Fight the urge to scroll the leaderboard until 2am on Saturday night thinking about what could have been. Remember that your score does not define you and the only one judging you is yourself!


Week Zero Winner: Get Rucked

Week One Winner: Battered and Bruised

Week Three Winner: TBD

Week Four Winner: TBD

  • Members of each team can recruit other members to sign up for the open. To earn a point the member must officially sign up for the Open at

  • Team with the highest percentage or athletes wearing at least one article of clothing in their team color wins 10 points.

  • Immediately after your workout you will be handed a puzzle, riddle, math equation, or some kind of critical thinking task that you will have two minutes to answer for 1 additional point for your team.